Fraud Awareness

Course Description

It may surprise you to learn that fraud in Australia is higher than the international average, arising in more than half of organisations. This costs the economy billions of dollars and organisations an average of $3 million. In addition, fraud can cause a loss of reputation and eventual loss of business profitability.

The most powerful anti-fraud weapon are educated and aware employees. The Salt Fraud course educates employees as to the types of behaviour that constitutes fraud, and provides a comprehensive list of fraud indicators to foster internal monitoring.

Building a culture of awareness and responsibility can reduce the risk of fraud and increase detection rates, thereby reducing the monetary and other costs of fraud.

Who is this training for?

The Salt Fraud course is tailored such that it is relevant to a diverse range of employees. This is because any person within an organisation is capable of committing fraud. This course is hence a valuable and appropriate tool for staff at all levels within an organisation, ranging from front-line staff to management.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: What is fraud?
  • Module 2: Fraud risks
  • Module 3: Common fraud schemes
  • Module 4: Fraud red flags
  • Module 5 :Risk management


Workplace Health & Safety – New Zealand

Course Description

Everyone who goes to work should come home from work safely. But hundreds of people are still seriously injured or die from work-related diseases in New Zealand every year.

Based on the Australian model work health and safetylaws, the new Health and Safety at Work (HSW) Act (2015) emphasises the role of safety leadership and management responsibility in identifying and eliminating risks to workers’ safety. It also highlights the need for people within a business to cooperate and collaborate with each other to reduce the number of workplace injuries and deaths.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Health and safety at work
  • Module 2: Workers’ rights and obligations
  • Module 3: Duties of PCBUs
  • Module 4: Compliance and enforcement measures
  • Module 5: Duties of officers
  • Module 6: Health and Safety Representatives and Health and Safety Committees

Mental Health in the Workplace

Course Description

Mental Health in the Workplace

Understanding mental health for our professional and personal lives

1 in 5 Australians will experience a mental health condition in any year. 45% of Australians aged between 18 and 85 will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. Mental health issues can impact our workplaces, and our workplaces can likewise impact people’s mental health.

The World Health Organisation offers a definition of mental health as a state of wellbeing in which we can realise our own abilities, work productively and contribute to our communities. While experiencing stress and a range of emotions are normal, there are times when we may find it difficult to shift out of a low mood or cope with regular stresses – and this may indicate the presence of mental health issues or a diagnosable condition.

Wherever we work, mental health is something we must prioritise and value. Employers are required to actively manage health and safety risks in the workplace. In some states and territories, this includes risks to mental health as well as physical health.

GRC Solutions offers this fully customisable course on Mental Health on the Workplace to help individuals understand and identify common mental health issues, to provide support to co-workers who may be experiencing mental health issues and to play their part in breaking down stigmas surrounding mental health.

Who is this training for?

This module is designed to be accessible for anyone in an organisation.

Mental health is important, no matter your role.

Course Outline

  • Defining mental health
  • Effects of poor mental health for individuals and society
  • Signs of mental health issues
  • Supporting people
  • Building a mentally healthy workplace

Sanctions Compliance Training

Course Description

This course will help you understand what economic sanctions are, how they work and how they impact international business and the financial services sector in particular.

Sanctions are volatile and often there is little or no advance warning.

This training is indispensable for enhancing your general knowledge of the purpose and nature of sanctions regimes, explaining what they are used for and how they can affect lives and businesses.

As economic sanctions continue to feature in the news headlines, this course provides practical insights into managing sanctions compliance and engaging with clients, mapping out what you should know, what you should do and what you should have in place to be compliant.

Who should do this training?

This course is especially relevant to account directors, business development managers, operations specialists, risk management analysts, compliance officers, customer due diligence analysts and senior executives.

Download course outline here

Specialized Financial Economic Crime Training

GRC Solutions is thrilled to collaborate with leading financial crime advisory firm, i-KYC, pairing their premium content library with our award-winning Salt Learning technologies to improve your approach to addressing Financial Economic Crime (FEC).

Download our brochure here

Course Outline

Module 1: Describe what sanctions are, their purpose, key features and reach

Module 2: Identify which sanctions regimes are the most important and how they can impact businesses

Module 3: Outline key sanctions do’s and don’ts

Module 4: Respond to client queries about sanctions

Proliferation Financing Awareness Training

Course Description

Stakeholders in the financial sector need to understand Proliferation Financing and its consequences

The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including their means of delivery, is a significant threat to global security. Proliferation and its financing are quickly evolving as threat actors find innovative ways of disguising the funding using complex web structures.

This single-module course introduces staff to the concept of Proliferation Financing (PF) and then develops their understanding of how PF works, how it is developing, and the threat it poses to the world. It makes clear how PF differs from money laundering, and how financial services businesses in all countries can be exposed to the risk of having their systems misused to facilitate PF. It contains details on the problems posed by dual use goods.

The lesson provides practical tips and examples to assist in identifying transactions that should be subjected to closer examination. These practical examples empower employees to act in line with their legal and ethical obligations.

Who should do this training?

This course is suitable for customer-facing staff, their managers, and other operational staff who deal with financial transactions.

Download the course outline here

Specialized Financial Economic Crime Training

GRC Solutions is thrilled to collaborate with leading financial crime advisory firm, i-KYC, pairing their premium content library with our award-winning Salt Learning technologies to improve your approach to addressing Financial Economic Crime (FEC).

Course Outline

  • What is Proliferation Financing?
  • Why is the prevention and detection of Proliferation Financing important?
  • What is the Proliferation Financing process?
  • What are the high risk countries for Proliferation Financing?
  • Red flags

Private Health Insurance Code of Conduct Training

Course Description

All staff of signatories to the Private Health Insurance Code of Conduct, particularly those in customer-facing roles, must understand their specific obligations under the Code

Setting a high standard of conduct across the industry

In 2016,representatives of the private health insurance industry in Australia came together to create an industry-first Code of Conduct that outlines the regulatory, compliance and ethical responsibilities of health funds and intermediaries towards consumers. Being a signatory of the Code signals to your customers that you are committed to high standards of compliance and service.

This one-module course explores the obligations and commitments of private health funds under the Code, including presenting information to customers in plain English; ensuring customer-facing employees are appropriately trained; keeping personal information secure; and maintaining readily accessible internal customer dispute resolution processes. It also provides an overview of important processes concerning intermediaries and when customers join and leave your fund.

The course is accessible and is quick to complete, leaving employees with a better understanding of customers’ rights and private health funds’ compliance responsibilities under the Code.

Who should do this training?

This course provides all employees with a solid, working understanding of their obligations under the Private Health Insurance Code of Conduct.

Course Outline

Module 1: The Private Health Insurance Code of Conduct

  • How the Code works
  • The Code’s key aspects
  • Employee training
  • Communication with customers
  • When a customer joins or leaves
  • Customer privacy
  • Intermediaries
  • Handling complaints

Modern Slavery – non-jurisdictional

Course Description

Modern slavery can affect any country; the United Nations estimates there are more than 40 million victims of modern slavery worldwide. Modern slavery can occur in any sector or industry, and at any point in a supply chain. High-risk industries include fashion, agriculture, hospitality, construction, electronics and extractives. The risk of modern slavery occurring in supply chains increases for organisations that have extensive, complex or global supply chains.

This three-module course covers what modern slavery is, its prevalence in supply chains, and how its use can most effectively be prevented by organisations. Both modules contain practical scenarios relating to issues affecting organisations with modern slavery in their supply chains. These scenarios equip staff to identify and take steps to prevent modern slavery from occurring in their supply chains.

Who is this training for?

This training is suitable for a wide variety of staff including those working in procurement, compliance or risk roles as well as those working in a front-line capacity.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to the prevention of modern slavery
  • Module 2: Preventing the use of modern slavery in supply chain

Modern Slavery Awareness

Course Description

Are your staff equipped to identify and appropriately respond to modern slavery risks?

Do you need short, effective training to raise staff awareness of the indicators of modern slavery and how they should respond?

Modern slavery can affect any country: the United Nations estimates there are more than 40 million victims of modern slavery worldwide. It can occur in any sector or industry, and at any point in a supply chain. High-risk industries include fashion, agriculture, hospitality, construction, electronics and extractives. The risk of modern slavery occurring in supply chains increases for organisations that have extensive, complex or global supply chains. Your staff – including your front line and non-specialist staff – must be aware of the risks of modern slavery, and the ensuing consequences your business could face if they’re left unchecked.

Modern Slavery – Awareness is a single-module, awareness course that equips your staff with an understanding of:

  • The definition of Modern Slavery
  • How to explain the occurrence of modern slavery in supply chains
  • What can be done to combat and prevent the existence of modern slavery

Who is this training for?

This training is an express, 10 minute variant of our three-module Modern Slavery – Australia and non-jurisdictional courses. It is designed to equip your front line staff with general awareness surrounding modern slavery.

It is also suitable for volunteers, contractors and students.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Modern Slavery Awareness

Modern Slavery

Course Description

Modern slavery can affect any country; the United Nations estimates there are more than 40 million victims of modern slavery worldwide. Modern slavery can occur in any sector or industry, and at any point in a supply chain. High-risk industries include fashion, agriculture, hospitality, construction, electronics and extractives. The risk of modern slavery occurring in supply chains increases for organisations that have extensive, complex or global supply chains.

This three-module course covers what modern slavery is, its prevalence in supply chains, and how its use can most effectively be prevented by organisations. Both modules contain practical scenarios relating to issues affecting organisations with modern slavery in their supply chains. These scenarios equip staff to identify and take steps to prevent modern slavery from occurring in their supply chains.

Who is this training for?

This training is suitable for a wide variety of staff including those working in procurement, compliance or risk roles as well as those working in a front-line capacity.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to the prevention of modern slavery
  • Module 2: Preventing the use of modern slavery in supply chains
  • Module 3: Australia-wide modern slavery laws

Fair Work – Australia

Course Description

The Fair Work Act covers a broad range of employment issues, including the minimum terms and conditions of employment, leave, enterprise bargaining and industrial activities, union right of entry, freedom of association and termination of employment.

Salt Fair Work covers key aspects of these laws. It has been produced to provide practical guidance to any one who has responsibility for managing or supervising employees in a workplace. The course teaches employees about their key obligations and provide an ongoing resource to enable them to understand how the requirements of the Fair Work Act will affect the workplace.

The training course uses scenarios set in different types of workplaces to provide employees with practical training in how to deal with potential issues in the workplace.

Who is this training for

Employees who have completed Salt Fair Work will be aware of the changes to workplace relations, understand the implications of the new laws in the workplace and be trained to manage the obligations imposed on employers.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: National employment standards
  • Module 2: Workplace rights: adverse action against employees
  • Module 3: Protection of industrial activities
  • Module 4: Termination of employment
  • Module 5: Right of entry
  • Module 6: Unlawful industrial action