ESG – Singapore Financial Services

Course Description

ESG encourages organisations to act responsibly on environmental and social issues in the way they operate and do business. Underpinned by effective governance, this course illuminates the benefits of ESG – not only for businesses, investors, and consumers, but also for the planet and broader society.

ESG is an informative three-module course which provides a unique opportunity for organisations to upskill and enhance their employees’ understanding of ESG, and the legal, regulatory and best practices standards that apply to organisations operating in Singapore.

Framing the issue of climate change as a corporate concern, Module 1 will increase understanding of
how organisations can ensure their operations are environmentally friendly. Module 2 will illuminate
the role organisations play in creating a more equal society. The challenges of modern slavery
and geopolitics are conveyed in an informative and effective manner, prompting learners to reflect on the importance of social governance.

Concluding with Module 3, this module will enhance employees’ knowledge of the least understood yet
most important dimension of ESG – governance. Learners will understand how different features
of organisations can promote good governance.

Who is this training for? Target Audience / Job Roles

Sales, Operations, Relationship Management, Customer Services, Legal, Risk, Compliance, and other relevant functions in Financial Services.

Related GRC Solutions Resources

Custom Course – due to the specific environmental requirements of this course, you may need a customised version to suit your business or your industry. We are able to do that quickly and economically – contact us to discuss.

Course outline

Module 1: Environmental Standards
  • Defining ESG
  • Common criteria for environmental screening
  • Environmental threats that inform environmental standards
  • Greenwashing and other concerns
Module 2: Social Standards
  • Principles of human rights, equity and diversity and inclusion
  • Social impacts relating to modern slavery and geopolitics
  • Key approaches to labour, employee health and wellbeing, and philanthropy
Module 3: Governance Standards
  • How effective governance underpins strong social and environmental performance
  • Capabilities a board of directors requires to implement effective ESG strategies
  • Steps for creating a risk management framework to support good governance

About the Financial Training Scheme (FTS)

This course is recognised under the Financial Training Scheme (FTS) and is eligible for FTS claims subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

Please note that in no way does this represent an endorsement of the quality of the training provider and course. Participants are advised to assess the suitability of the course and its relevance to his/her business activities or job roles.

The FTS is available to eligible entities based on the prevalent funding eligibility, quantum and caps. FTS provides up to 70% course fee subsidy support for direct training costs subject to a cap of S$500 per candidate per course subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

Fraud Awareness for Singapore Financial Services

Course Description

Fraud exists in almost every workplace, regardless of the type of industry, the size of the organisation and even the job role of the employee. It also often goes undetected by other employees. However, when fraud comes to light, it is more likely to be detected by a tip off from colleagues than by any other means.

The cost fraud brings to an organisation is enormous and rising every year. A recent global study by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners found that in 2018 fraud resulted in over $9 billion in losses, with 22% of cases costing over $1 million. Fraud was not limited to large businesses: small businesses lost almost twice as much per scheme to fraud as businesses with over 100 employees. It is therefore crucial that all staff in all organisations know how to recognise fraud and who to report it to.

Prevalent fraud not only costs the organisation but it also carries large fines and penalties for the individual.

Course teaches employees the following:

• How to identify fraud in the workplace.
• Understand the consequences of fraud for
• both the fraudster and the organisation.
• Prevent fraud from occurring.
• Report fraud where it is suspected to occur.

Target Audience/Job roles

Sales, Operations, Relationship Management, Customer Services, Legal, Risk, Compliance, and other relevant functions in Financial Services.

Course Outline

Module 1: Understanding fraud for managers and general staff
• Defining fraud
• Types of fraud
• The risk of fraud to your organisation
• Who commits fraud
• Consequences of committing fraud

Module 2: Internal fraud committed by staff for managers and general staff
• Red flags of internal fraud
• Ponzi and embezzlement fraud
• Data and Identity theft fraud
• Expense account and corporate credit card fraud
• Insider trading fraud

Module 3: Fraud risk management for managers
• Elements of a fraud risk management framework
• Ways to build fraud awareness
• Fraud prevention methods
• Elements of a fraud detection and reporting program
• Elements of a fraud response system

About the Financial Training Scheme (FTS)This course is recognised under the Financial Training Scheme (FTS)and is eligible for FTS claims subject to all eligibility criteria being met. Please note that in no way does this represent an endorsement of the quality of the training provider and course. Participants are advised to assess the suitability of the course and its relevance to his/her business activities or job roles.

The FTS is available to eligible entities based on the prevalent funding eligibility, quantum and caps. FTS provides up to 70% course fee subsidy support for direct training costs subject to a cap of S$500per candidate per course subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

Code of Conduct for Singapore Financial Services

Course Description

IBF Accredited – Schemes: FTS; Core SFA/FAA CPD for Asset Management, Capital Markets, Compliance, Corporate Banking, Financial Markets, Financial Planning, General Insurance, Life Insurance, Private Banking and Wealth Management, Retail Banking, Risk Management

Course description

What are the values and standards that financial services employees should comply with in the course of their work?

This online training course covers the basic principles that commonly apply to codes of conduct, with a special focus on the financial services industry in Singapore. The training includes real-life scenarios and engaging graphics to bring the topic to life.

This course introduces the concept of a code of conduct and discusses topics that commonly appear in codes of conduct, including: making ethical decisions at work based on respect, integrity and professionalism; work health and safety standards; protection of company property and personal information; and the rules relating to gifts and conflicts of interest. It also covers the ethics that apply when providing financial advice; the key regulators of the financial services industry; licensing requirements; industry bodies; and AML/CTF requirements.

The course also introduces the way specific codes apply to specific industry sectors in Singapore. It highlights requirements that these codes have in common, and discusses four representative examples of these codes.

The course is fully customisable to allow you to align the training with your specific policies, modes of operation, and regulatory environment. It is suitable to be used as microlearning.

Who should do this training? Target audience / job roles

This training is suitable for all employees and job levels including Sales, Operations, Relationship Management, Customer Services, Legal, Risk, Compliance, and other relevant functions in Financial Services.


The course should take learners around 20minutes to complete. It is also suitable to roll out as microlearning.

Course outline – Code of Conduct

  • What a financial services industry code of conduct is
  • How a Code of Conduct helps maintain a safe and respectful workplace
  • Codes of conduct and the use of company property
  • How a code can apply to financial crimes and misconduct
  • Specific code of conduct considerations applying to financial services businesses
  • Some representative Singapore Financial Services Industry Codes of Conduct

About the Financial Training Scheme (FTS)

This course is recognised under the Financial Training Scheme (FTS) and is eligible for FTS claims subject to all eligibility criteria being met. Please note that in no way does this represent an endorsement of the quality of the training provider and course. Participants are advised to assess the suitability of the course and its relevance to his/her business activities or job roles.

The FTS is available to eligible entities based on the prevalent funding eligibility, quantum and caps. FTS provides up to 70% course fee subsidy support for direct training costs subject to a cap of S$500 per candidate per course subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

Anti-Money Laundering for Singapore Financial Services

Course Description

IBF Accredited – Schemes: FTS; Core SFA/FAA CPD for Asset Management, Capital Markets, Compliance, Corporate Banking, Financial Markets, Financial Planning, General Insurance, Life Insurance, Private Banking and Wealth Management, Retail Banking

Our Anti-Money Laundering course trains reporting entities and their representatives to understand their obligations and provides a general understanding of the risks related to money laundering and terrorism financing.

Some sources estimate that over $1.5 trillion is laundered worldwide every year. Of that amount, it is estimated that $200 billion is laundered in the Asia-Pacific region alone. We explain how to adopt an Anti Money Laundering program, conduct Know Your Customer procedures and to provide reports
to the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The intent of this course is to provide a general understanding of money laundering and terrorism financing risks, and give specific understanding of the various legislative obligations imposed by Singapore’s AML/CFT regime.

Who is this training for? Target audience / job roles

Sales, Operations, Relationship Management, Customer Services, Legal, Risk, Compliance, and other relevant functions in Financial Services.

Course outline

Module 1: Introduction to money laundering

Module 2: The risk of money laundering

Module 3: KYC obligations

Module 4: Monitoring and reporting obligations

Module 5: Terrorist financing

About the Financial Training Scheme (FTS)

This course is recognised under the Financial Training Scheme (FTS) and is eligible for FTS claims subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

Please note that in no way does this represent an endorsement of the quality of the training provider and course. Participants are advised to assess the suitability of the course and its relevance to his/her business activities or job roles.

The FTS is available to eligible entities based on the prevalent funding eligibility, quantum and caps. FTS provides up to 70% course fee subsidy support for direct training costs subject to a cap of S$500
per candidate per course subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

Personal Data Protection for Singapore Financial Services

Course Description

IBF Accredited – Schemes: FTS; Core SFA/FAA CPD for Corporate Banking, Life Insurance, Retail Banking

Failure to properly collect, handle and protect people’s personal information can put businesses at considerable financial and reputational risk. Singapore and European laws impose strict requirements on businesses operating in Singapore, and all staff need to be adequately trained to meet these requirements.

This course covers all the areas of privacy that are likely to be encountered by financial services businesses in Singapore, and it introduces the specific data protection requirements imposed on those businesses by local regulations.

Four modules deal with the provisions of the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), which sets out the rules for collecting, storing, using, handling, correcting and deleting personal data. The PDPA applies to all individuals, businesses and associations that operate in Singapore or handle the personal data of Singaporeans. It covers data protection and breach notification and it has special provisions relating to telemarketing – the Do Not Call Register.

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) contains very strict privacy protection provisions. It applies to Singaporean organisations that deal with EU citizens or with their personal data (for example, if they have a website with any of the EU languages other than English.)

As the EU is Singapore’s third largest trading partner it is crucial that Singaporean businesses understand and comply with its requirements. The lessons in this course provide scenarios and case studies that illustrate the sorts of privacy issues that staff can expect on a daily basis, and bring the business of data protection to life.

Who is this training for?

This training is suitable for all employees and job levels including Sales, Operations, Relationship Management, Customer Services, Legal, Risk, Compliance, and other relevant functions in Financial Services.

Course outline

Module 1: Protecting personal data
Module 2: Protecting personal data (advanced)
Module 3: Do Not Call – your rights and responsibilities
Module 4: Preventing and responding to data breaches
Module 5: GDPR

About the Financial Training Scheme (FTS)

This course is recognised under the Financial Training Scheme (FTS) and is eligible for FTS claims subject to all eligibility criteria being met. Please note that in no way does this represent an endorsement of the quality of the training provider and course. Participants are advised to assess the suitability of the course and its relevance to his/her business activities or job roles.
The FTS is available to eligible entities based on the prevalent funding eligibility, quantum and caps. FTS provides up to 70% course fee subsidy support for direct training costs subject to a cap of S$500 per candidate per course subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

Anti Money Laundering – Singapore

An IBF Accredited Course

The Salt Compliance Anti-Money Laundering course trains reporting entities and their representatives to understand their obligations and provides a general understanding of the risks related to money-laundering and terrorism financing. Some sources estimate that over $1.5 trillion is laundered worldwide every year. Of that amount, it is estimated that $200 billion is laundered in the Asia-Pacific region alone.

We explain how to adopt an Anti-Money Laundering program, conduct Know-Your-Customer procedures and to provide reports to the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The intent of this course is to provide a general understanding of money-laundering and terrorism-financing risks, and give specific understanding of the various legislative obligations imposed by the Act.

Who should do this training?

The course should be completed by all employees of reporting entities (including those involved in compliance and risk management functions) that offer services such as:

  • Providing bank account-related services
  • Making loans
  • Exchanging currencies
  • Issuing debit and stored value cards
  • Issuing securities and derivatives
  • Stockbroking

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to money laundering
  • Module 2: The risk of money laundering
  • Module 3: KYC obligations
  • Module 4: Monitoring and reporting obligations
  • Module 5: Terrorist financing

Fraud awareness – International version

The most powerful anti-fraud weapon are educated and aware employees.

Fraud exists in almost every workplace, regardless of the type of industry, the size of the organisation and even the job role of the employee. It also often goes undetected by other employees. However, when fraud comes to light, it is more likely to be detected by a tip-off from colleagues than by any other means.

The cost fraud brings to an organisation is enormous and rising every year.

A recent global study by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners found that in 2018 fraud resulted in over $9 billion in losses, with 22% of cases costing over $1 million. Fraud was not limited to large businesses: small businesses lost almost twice as much per scheme to fraud as businesses with over 100 employees. It is therefore crucial that all staff in all organisations know how to recognise fraud and who to report it to.

Prevalent fraud not only costs the organisation but it also carries large fines and penalties for the individual.
This course teaches employees the following:

  • How to identify fraud in the workplace.
  • Understanding the consequences of fraud for both the fraudster and the organisation.
  • Preventing fraud from occurring.
  • Report fraud where it is suspected to occur.

Building a culture of awareness and responsibility can reduce the risk of fraud and increase detection rates, thereby reducing the monetary and other costs of fraud.

The training features advanced graphical interactions and video-scenarios to illustrate the material and relate it to learner’s work experience.

Who should do this training?

The course should be completed by all employees of reporting entities (including those involved in compliance and risk management functions) that offer services such as:

  • providing bank account-related services
  • making loans
  • exchanging currencies
  • issuing debit and stored value cards
  • issuing securities and derivatives
  • stockbroking

Course Outline

  • Module 1: What is fraud?
  • Module 2: Fraud risks
  • Module 3: Common fraud schemes
  • Module 4: Fraud red flags
  • Module 5 :Risk management‍

Workplace Conduct – The Role of Middle Management in Crisis Recovery

Who is the right person to lead a company amid a culture of toxicity, bullying, and sexual harassment?

Anti Bribery & Corruption – Singapore

Course Description

Preventing bribery and corruption in Singaporean workplaces

Singapore is not immune to the risk of bribery and corruption, having devastating consequences on business, the economy and society. This course will equip employers and employees with the skills in preventing bribery and corruption and subsequently protecting the integrity of organisations.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Singapore is a comprehensive four-module course equipping learners with the skills to identify and act appropriately when dealing with bribery and corruption.

Employees and employers will understand Singapore’s domestic regime, primarily governed by the Prevention of Corruption Act, and international legal regimes safeguarding against bribery and corruption. They will learn how to distinguish between bribes and bona fide gifts and the serious consequences of giving or receiving bribes.

Where engaging with overseas stakeholders present unique opportunities for Singaporean organisations, learners will also be informed in how to manage the challenges that arise in such partnerships. The final module will focus on what employers can do to circumvent bribery risks and the importance of developing a risk management strategy.

Who should do this training?

This training is designed for all employees and employers alike working in Singapore.

Everyone has a part to play in preventing bribery and corruption, and knowing what to do if they are confronted with such risks.

The final module is designed for employers, who have an obligation to prevent bribery and develop risk management strategies.

Other GRC Solutions financial crimes courses

We offer a suite of relevant courses, written and kept up to date by legal and compliance experts, and covering multiple world jurisdictions


  • AML
  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption
  • Cybersecurity
  • Fraud  Awareness

Click here to see the full list


Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introducing bribery and corruption – for managers and general staff
  • Module 2: Soliciting and receiving bribes – for managers and general staff
  • Module 3: Working with overseas countries – for employees doing business internationally
  • Module 4: Advanced bribery and corruption – for managers

Wolfsberg Guidance Emphasizes the importance of customized training

The guidance is intended to provide a framework for financial institutions to establish and maintain effective anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) compliance programmes