Cyber Security – Australia

Course Description

Preventing Data Breaches

Everyone in the workplace has a role to play in information security. The first step in reducing the risk of data breaches is to learn what they are and be aware of how they typically occur, so that appropriate measures can be taken to prevent them from taking place in the future.

This course surveys the most common information security risks and breaches, including direct observation, malware viruses, phishing, identity theft, spam and credit card skimming. It explores how mobile devices such as laptops and phones are vulnerable to theft. It also considers the security risks associated with working remotely, as well as the personal and professional issues associated with online activities such as using social media or storing information in the cloud. Each topic is explored in plain English, followed by a clear explanation of simple strategies for protecting data.

Who is this training for?

This course is suitable for everyone responsible for handling information in the workplace, whether they are at work, at home or offsite.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction
  • Module 2: Protecting Work Information
  • Module 3: At work, at home and offsite

Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice

Course Description

This series of five computer-based training modules aims to help train frontline staff to recognise different customer types at the time they open an account. The package also includes the Ready Reckoner of Types of Entities.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Individual Accounts: covering individuals, joint accounts, sole traders, partnership, agents, deceased accounts, children’s accounts and business names
  • Module 2: Company Accounts: covering proprietary, public and foreign companies
  • Module 3: Co-operative and Association Accounts: covering registered co-operatives, incorporated associations and unincorporated associations
  • Module 4: Trust Accounts: covering informal trusts, formal trusts, statutory trusts, professional trusts and trust accounts linked to superannuation and managed investments
  • Module 5: Government Accounts + Final Quiz: covering Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, including their agencies and authorities, as well as foreign government bodies. At the end of this module there is a quiz that requires participants to draw on the knowledge from all five modules

ACCC Compliance and Enforcement Priorities for 2020

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) has recently released its ‘Compliance and Enforcement Priorities’ for 2020.

Credit Reporting Training for Financial Services – Australia

Course Description

This training is for those in your organization handling credit reporting

Credit reporting and privacy law imposes strict rules on Australian businesses handling loans and debts. Your staff who operate in this area must be adequately trained.

This suite of four courses covers all aspects of credit reporting and related privacy issues that are relevant to Australian lending businesses. The courses are arranged to allow L&D teams to target training to the appropriate teams within the business. The lessons include practical scenarios that illustrate the types of real-world situations that staff will encounter.

All lenders who participate in comprehensive credit reporting will have an enhanced capacity to meet their responsible lending obligations. Those obligations are an important part of consumer protection arrangements.

– Michael Sukkar, MP, Assistant Minister to the Treasurer National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Mandatory Comprehensive Credit Reporting) Bill 2018 Second Reading Speech Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Who should do this training?

This course delivers training that is essential for staff handling credit reporting and consumer loans. While our Privacy Training course also includes introductory material on credit reporting, we recommend that customer-facing staff be assigned Course 1 of this suite as well.

Privacy Training

GRC Solutions also offers training on Privacy regulation in Australia as applicable to financial institutions – see below. We recommend that staff undertaking Credit Reporting Training make themselves familiar with this material.

For more information on other GRC Solutions’ privacy training resources …


Privacy – Covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles

Health Privacy – Health businesses collect and maintain sensitive personal information

Privacy for Schools – Covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles as they apply to schools

Australia – Financial Services

Financial Services Privacy Training – covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles

New Zealand

Privacy – New Zealand – covering privacy in New Zealand under the 2020 updates to the law


General Data Protection Regulation – covering the GDPR – which has global implications


Data Protection Singapore – covering the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and also the implications of the GDPR


Data Protection Malaysia – covering the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and also the implications of the GDPR


California Consumer Privacy Act

Course Outline

Module one: Introduction to the Credit Reporting System
Module two: Credit Reporting and Collections
Module three: Introduction to Comprehensive Credit Reporting
Module four: Handling Privacy Complaints

Corporate Governance for Unlisted Entities – Australia

Course Description

In this age of increasing scrutiny, company directors and officers must be aware of their duties. They must understand how to best manage their work practices for accountability purposes.

Based on our generic Corporate Governance course, this training course looks at the specific duties that subsidiaries and unlisted companies have under the current laws.

Corporate Governance includes comprehensive analysis of the source of corporate governance requirements, the duties owed by directors and officers of organisations, and to whom those duties are owed.

The course also examines the consequences of breaches of these duties. We direct you through the legislative and general law requirements that are currently in place and provide useful tips and case studies on some common “pitfalls” that can easily be avoided.

Included is a range of high profile case studies that identify where the company’s corporate governance measures failed. The course was updated recently to include a detailed description of the Centro case and what lessons can be learned from it.

Who is this training for?

This course is tailored to cater for the needs of those in management roles in your organisation.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction
  • Module 2: Duties of directors and officers – part 1
  • Module 3: Duties of directors and officers – part 2
  • Module 4: Better corporate governance practices

5 steps to combat financial crime in 2021

With the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, you might think that combatting money laundering, bribery and fraud is not a priority for your organisation.

4 Ways to Motivate and Engage Learners During Compliance Training

This article interprets aspects of John Keller’s ARCS Model of Motivational Design in relation to compliance training. It discusses four main areas to focus on and provides simple tips to help motivate staff so that they complete and participate in mandatory compliance training. Lyndon Lovell is an instructional designer and consultant at GRC Solutions with over 16 years’ experience in governance, risk and compliance publishing and training.

Corporate Governance for Listed Entities – Australia

Course Description

In this age of increasing scrutiny, company directors and officers must be aware of their duties. They must understand how to best manage their work practices for accountability purposes.

Based on our generic Corporate Governance course, this training course looks at the specific duties that subsidiaries and listed companies have under the current laws.

Corporate Governance includes comprehensive analysis of the source of corporate governance requirements, the duties owed by directors and officers of organisations, and to whom those duties are owed.

The course also examines the consequences of breaches of these duties. We direct you through the legislative and general law requirements that are currently in place and provide useful tips and case studies on some common “pitfalls” that can easily be avoided.

Included is a range of high profile case studies that identify where the company’s corporate governance measures failed. The course was updated recently to include a detailed description of the Centro case and what lessons can be learned from it.

Who is this training for?

This course is tailored to cater for the needs of those in management roles in your organisation.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction
  • Module 2: Introduction to duties of directors and officers
  • Module 3: Duties of directors and officers – part 1
  • Module 4: Duties of directors and officers – part 2

4 Steps to Improve Your Compliance Training Scenarios

Learning is more effective when learners can relate to the content by reflecting upon their real-world experience. Presenting scenarios in training are often used to assist in this reflection. This article shares four simple steps for writing relevant and effective scenarios and several tips to help you incorporate relevant scenarios into your compliance training sessions.

Contract Fundamentals – New Zealand

Course Description

Entering into contracts is a fundamental part of doing business. Ensuring your legally binding agreements are accurate, clear and concise will determine whether your business transactions and relationships are successful. This course gives you the tools to better understand contractual agreements and processes.

Contracts form the basis of all business transactions, but in reality can be the cause of much confusion and misunderstanding. Contact Fundamentals provides you with the tools to better understand the issues associated with the pre-contractual process and to appreciate the complexity of interpretation in contractual documents. In addition, the training provides an insight into the meaning of terms in contracts and the mechanics of how a contract is implemented.

The rights and duties of different parties are examined in the light of legislative requirements and the requirements under the general law. This course arms you with the knowledge about how to make contracts work in the day-to-day operation of your organisation.

Who is this training for?

It is important for all employees of a business to understand the fundamentals of contract law.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to contract law
  • Module 2: Pre-contractual issues
  • Module 3: Contract terms
  • Module 4: Risk management
  • Module 5: Contract mechanics
  • Module 6: Advertising