Free Webinar: Key sustainability considerations for asset managers for 2024

In 2024, businesses and financial institutions are expected to embrace ESG criteria not just for compliance or risk management, but as a chance to fundamentally transform their business models to become more sustainable and increasingly more transparent

Webinar: How whistleblowers could be a valuable asset to your organisation

Join our friends at Whispli for this webinar on Wednesday, July 22nd, 12.30PM AEST

Webinar: Create beautiful e-learning on the fly with Salt Adaptive

Lean how easy it is to Build-Deploy-Edit-Report with Salt Adaptive in this webinar on Tuesday 28th July at 1pm AEST

Fraud Awareness

Course Description

It may surprise you to learn that fraud in Australia is higher than the international average, arising in more than half of organisations. This costs the economy billions of dollars and organisations an average of $3 million. In addition, fraud can cause a loss of reputation and eventual loss of business profitability.

The most powerful anti-fraud weapon are educated and aware employees. The Salt Fraud course educates employees as to the types of behaviour that constitutes fraud, and provides a comprehensive list of fraud indicators to foster internal monitoring.

Building a culture of awareness and responsibility can reduce the risk of fraud and increase detection rates, thereby reducing the monetary and other costs of fraud.

Who is this training for?

The Salt Fraud course is tailored such that it is relevant to a diverse range of employees. This is because any person within an organisation is capable of committing fraud. This course is hence a valuable and appropriate tool for staff at all levels within an organisation, ranging from front-line staff to management.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: What is fraud?
  • Module 2: Fraud risks
  • Module 3: Common fraud schemes
  • Module 4: Fraud red flags
  • Module 5 :Risk management


Turning Compliance Training Challenges into Opportunities

LearnX Live! 2022 recognises some of our great partnerships

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Course Description

Training for staff on GDPR personal data protection and GDPR compliance to avoid GDPR fines

Product Description

The standard of privacy and security of personal information has never been higher. Meeting your General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) obligations isn’t just a matter of GDPR compliance, it’s a matter of consumer confidence.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) harmonises privacy law and data processing practice across the EU. But it doesn’t just apply to EU businesses – if you do any business in the EU or collect or use personal information of any individuals located in the EU, you need to comply with the GDPR or you’ll face heavy penalties. Staff at all levels need to understand the importance of privacy policy and the penalties for breaching GDPR.

Who is this training for?

This training is suitable for staff at any level of your organisation, especially those who collect or handle personal information, or as a refresher for Data Protection Officers.

For more information on other GRC Solutions’ privacy training resources:


Privacy – Covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles

Privacy for Schools – Covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles as they apply to schools

Health Privacy – Health businesses collect and maintain sensitive personal information

Australia – Financial Services

Financial Services Privacy Training – covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles

Credit Reporting – covering the Credit Reporting Act

Health Privacy

New Zealand

Privacy – New Zealand – covering privacy in New Zealand under the 2020 updates to the law


Data Protection Singapore – covering the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and also the implications of the GDPR


Data Protection Malaysia – covering the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and also the implications of the GDPR


California Consumer Privacy Act

Course Outline

What rights do individuals have in relation to their personal data

  • How the GDPR compliance involves you
  • Restrictions on processing personal data
  • What rights do individuals have in relation to their personal data
  • What to do in the event of a data breach
  • Fines and penalties for breaching the GDPR


Transparency International’s New Corruption Perceptions Index

Australia was ranked 13th on the 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index

Health Privacy – Australia

Course Description

Ensuring the integrity of sensitive health information

Product Description

Compliance with privacy laws is crucial to maintaining customer trust, particularly in the health sector where organisations are constantly under scrutiny for misuse or mishandling of sensitive information such as medical records. With data breaches on the rise, health service providers and other organisations are, now more than ever, prioritising the proper handling of personal and health information.

This course takes learners through the lifecycle of personal information, from collection, use and disclosure, storage, access and correction, and their privacy law obligations at each stage. We use accessible language and practical scenarios to explain and illustrate technical concepts in an engaging way. The introductory module summarises key concepts for front line staff. Subsequent modules explore the Health Privacy Principles (HPPs) in more detail. We also look at mandatory data breach reporting requirements and what to do when an incident arises.

Customer privacy is one of health sector organisations’ biggest operational risks, and this course features real-life cases highlighting the major industry concerns, what organisations are doing right and what they could be doing better

New Update!

We keep our training up to date so that you don’t have to worry about your compliance with the latest developments.

In December 2022 the Australian Government, in response to the Optus data breach and others, passed the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Act 2022, which introduced major financial penalties for both individuals and organisations in relation to privacy breaches. Some penalties are now 20 times as large as they were before – or more.

The new law also significantly expands the Australian Information Commissioner’s powers.

Our training reflects this new legislation.

Who should do this training?

This training is designed for staff at any level within an organisation that comes in contact with private information or could be at risk of breaching Australian privacy laws.

For more information on other GRC Solutions’ privacy training resources:


Privacy – Covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles

Privacy for Schools – Covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles as they apply to schools

Australia – Financial Services

Financial Services Privacy Training – covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles

Credit Reporting – covering the Credit Reporting Act

New Zealand

Privacy – New Zealand – covering privacy in New Zealand under the 2020 updates to the law


General Data Protection Regulation – covering the GDPR – which has global implications


Data Protection Singapore – covering the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and also the implications of the GDPR


Data Protection Malaysia – covering the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and also the implications of the GDPR


California Consumer Privacy Act

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introducing privacy
  • Module 2: Management and collection
  • Module 3: Use or disclosure
  • Module 4: Storage, access and correction
  • Module 5: Credit reporting obligations

Top Tips to Encourage Ethical Behaviour in the Workplace

The numerous scandals and fraudulent behaviour uncovered by the Royal Commission has led to an “ethics comeback” in the workplace.

Workplace Health & Safety – New Zealand

Course Description

Everyone who goes to work should come home from work safely. But hundreds of people are still seriously injured or die from work-related diseases in New Zealand every year.

Based on the Australian model work health and safetylaws, the new Health and Safety at Work (HSW) Act (2015) emphasises the role of safety leadership and management responsibility in identifying and eliminating risks to workers’ safety. It also highlights the need for people within a business to cooperate and collaborate with each other to reduce the number of workplace injuries and deaths.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Health and safety at work
  • Module 2: Workers’ rights and obligations
  • Module 3: Duties of PCBUs
  • Module 4: Compliance and enforcement measures
  • Module 5: Duties of officers
  • Module 6: Health and Safety Representatives and Health and Safety Committees