Case Study – Engineering firm Bullying and Harassment

How GRC Solutions Consultants helped an engineering firm deal with bullying & harassment, and reinvigorate the workplace standards.


Course Description

Salt eMarketing covers both the Spam Act and the eMarketing Code of Practice.

The Australian eMarketing Code of Practice and the Spam Act together govern Australian businesses’ electronic marketing activities. Failure to comply can incur hefty penalties and negative publicity.

The Spam Act applies to all Australian companies, no matter what their size. Therefore, all Australian organisations must ensure that employee use of email, Internet and other electronic resources is compliant with the Act.

Organisations that market goods and services through email or mobile telephony should consider carefully whether their activities are subject to the Code, revising policies as required and training their staff accordingly.

Who is this training for?

This course acts as both a guide and a reference point for employees participating in e-marketing or mobile marketing. Managers are provided with comprehensive reporting on the training activities.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to spam law
  • Module 2: Consent
  • Module 3: Requirements for commercial electronic messages
  • Module 4: Address-harvesting software and harvested-address lists
  • Module 5: Penalties

Case Study – Engineering and Infrastructure client customised compliance training

How GRC Solutions helped an ASX listed provider of Engineering and Infrastructure provide customised training to 20,000 employees.

Workplace Behaviours – Australia

Course Description

“The costs of bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment affect us all.”

What is bullying and what should you do if you see it occur in the workplace? Where does flirting stop and harassment begin? Every member of your organisation needs to be aware of these types of issues because the consequences of unacceptable behaviour, left unmanaged, can be severe.

Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment can cause major harm to the wellbeing of individuals. They can also incur heavy costs for organisations, including reputational damage, compensation orders and the costs of replacing staff who can no longer work in hostile environments.

This course explores the issues within the framework of Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws and anti-discrimination laws, as well as strategies and avenues of support available to those who experience bullying, discrimination or harassment within the workplace.

Specific modules address the key concepts from the perspective of supervisors, team leaders and managers, and outline the appropriate steps for dealing with complaints. Finally, the course examines how all employees should use workplace resources ethically.

Who is this training for?

Diversity and Equality teaches employees to understand what bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment look like in the workplace, and to recognise the fine line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Management also receives invaluable training in dealing with potential problems.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Workplace bullying
  • Module 2: Discrimination and sexual harassment
  • Module 3: (Advanced) Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment
  • Module 4: (Advanced) Dealing with incidents and complaints
  • Module 5: Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Equality – New Zealand

Course Description

“The costs of bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment affect us all.”

Creating a pleasant working environment for all

What is bullying and what should you do if you see it occur in the workplace? Where does flirting stop and harassment begin? Every member of your organisation needs to be aware of these types of issues because the consequences of unacceptable behaviour, left unmanaged, can be severe.

Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment can cause major harm to the wellbeing of individuals. They can also incur heavy costs for organisations, including reputational damage, compensation orders and the costs of replacing staff who can no longer work in hostile environments.

This course explores the issues within the framework of New Zealand Employment Relations and anti-discrimination laws, as well as strategies and avenues of support available to those who experience bullying, discrimination or harassment within the workplace. Specific modules address the key concepts from the perspective of supervisors, team leaders and managers, and outline the appropriate steps for dealing with complaints. Finally, the course examines how all employees should use workplace resources ethically.

Who is this training for?

Diversity and Equality, previously named, Workplace Behaviour teaches employees to understand what bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment look like in the workplace, and to recognise the fine line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Management also receives invaluable training in dealing with potential problems.


Course Outline

  • Module 1: Workplace bullying
  • Module 2: Discrimination and sexual harassment
  • Module 3: (Advanced) Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment
  • Module 4: (Advanced) Dealing with incidents and complaints
  • Module 5: Ethical use of resources


Diversity and Equality

Course Description

“The costs of bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment affect us all.”

What is bullying and what should you do if you see it occur in the workplace? Where does flirting stop and harassment begin? Every member of your organisation needs to be aware of these types of issues because the consequences of unacceptable behaviour, left unmanaged, can be severe.

Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment can cause major harm to the wellbeing of individuals. They can also incur heavy costs for organisations, including reputational damage, compensation orders and the costs of replacing staff who can no longer work in hostile environments.

This course explores the issues within the framework of Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws and anti-discrimination laws, as well as strategies and avenues of support available to those who experience bullying, discrimination or harassment within the workplace.

Specific modules address the key concepts from the perspective of supervisors, team leaders and managers, and outline the appropriate steps for dealing with complaints. Finally, the course examines how all employees should use workplace resources ethically.

Who is this training for?

Diversity and Equality teaches employees to understand what bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment look like in the workplace, and to recognise the fine line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Management also receives invaluable training in dealing with potential problems.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Workplace bullying
  • Module 2: Discrimination and sexual harassment
  • Module 3: (Advanced) Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment
  • Module 4: (Advanced) Dealing with incidents and complaints
  • Module 5: Ethical use of resources

Anti-Money Laundering – USA

Course Description

In an increasingly interconnected world economy, organizations of all sizes are becoming increasingly vulnerable to being used for money laundering and terrorist financing. Since financial institutions are particularly susceptible, they face wide-ranging reporting and monitoring requirements under federal law.

GRC Solutions’ Anti-Money Laundering course equips staff to respond to these challenges, by helping learners to identify common money laundering techniques, such as placement, layering, and integration, and to apply strategies for protecting your organization.

This course explores the risk that money launders pose, outlines the KYC and due diligence obligations of financial institutions, and explains requirements under terrorist financing law. We also give learners practical tips on how to assess customer risk and monitor suspicious activity.

This coursecovers topics from initial customer identification procedures to development and implementationof anti-money laundering programs.

There are plenty of examples, case studies, and scenarios. The design uses rich, interactive visuals that highlight the key concepts without overwhelming or distracting learners.

Who is this training for?

This training is suitable for employees of financial institutions that offer: bank account-related services, loans or finance, currency exchange, investment banking, credit cards and money instruments, insurance, or securities, futures, or commodities trading.


Robert Howard comes into ABC Bank and wants to deposit $25,000 into his account. He has been a customer of ABC Bank for 25 years and has always been classified as low-risk.

But recent transaction monitoring by ABC Bank has revealed large amounts of money being withdrawn out of his account. Some of the money has been transferred to low-interest accounts and then withdrawn to be used. These withdrawals are unusual for Robert’s account, which has had little activity for 25 years.

The only information ABC Bank possesses about Robert is that he owns two restaurants, a nightclub and a car wash.

What level of money laundering risk does Robert pose?

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to money laundering
  • Module 2: The risk of money laundering
  • Module 3: KYC obligations
  • Module 4: Suspicious and threshold transactions
  • Module 5: Terrorist financing

Anti-Money Laundering – Singapore

Course Description

Training on Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

The Anti-Money Laundering course trains reporting entities and their representatives to understand their anti-money laundering compliance obligations and provides a general understanding of the risks related to money-laundering and terrorism financing.

Over $US1.5 trillion is laundered worldwide every year. Of that amount, it is estimated that $US200 billion is laundered in the Asia-Pacific region alone.

Businesses need to prepare an effective anti-money laundering policy consistent with anti-money laundering guidelines.

We explain how to adopt an Anti-Money Laundering program, conduct Know-Your-Customer procedures and to provide reports to the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The intent of this course is to provide a general understanding of money-laundering and terrorism-financing risks, and give specific understanding of the various legislative obligations imposed by the Act.

Who needs to comply with AML regulations?

Singapore’s AML/CFT regime mainly applies to individuals and companies engaged in financial service businesses.

Some obligations vary depending upon the services a company provides.

For example, certain organisations such as banks, financial advisers, life insurers, money changers and trust companies, have additional AML/CFT obligations if they are exposed to a high AML/TF risk.

Nevertheless, the obligations may apply to anyone in the course of his or her professional or business duties, including the duty:

  • to report suspicious transactions
  • not to enter into arrangements that facilitate the retention of benefits of crime
  • not to acquire, possess, use, conceal or transfer benefits of criminal conduct

This anti-money laundering course is for …

The course should be completed by all employees of reporting entities (including those involved in compliance and risk management functions) that offer services with a money laundering risk, such as:

  • providing bank account-related services
  • making loans
  • exchanging currencies
  • issuing debit and stored value cards
  • issuing securities and derivatives
  • stockbroking

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to money laundering
  • Module 2: The risk of money laundering
  • Module 3: KYC obligations
  • Module 4: Monitoring and reporting obligations; anti money laundering policies and procedures
  • Module 5: Terrorist financing

Anti-Money Laundering – New Zealand

Course Description

The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AML/CFT) is the primary legislation intended to satisfy New Zealand’s international obligations to combat money laundering. The Act establishes the grounds for prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of money laundering.

This course will help you understand the various identification and reporting obligations of the Act as well as related legislation such as the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002. Key concepts and obligations are set out, from corporate compliance, customer relationships, and customer due diligence to suspicious transactions and the suppression of terrorism.

Employees of financial institutions need to understand their obligations under the Act to ensure all reasonable steps are taken to deter their institution and its products and services from being used by a person who is laundering money.

Who is this training for?

You should complete this course if you are involved in a compliance or risk management function, with the processing of financial transactions or with the opening of accounts at a financial institution or casino.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to money laundering
  • Module 2: Money laundering risks
  • Module 3: Customer Due Diligence
  • Module 4: Monitoring and Reporting Obligations
  • Module 5: Terrorist financing

Anti-Money Laundering – Malaysia

Course Description

The Salt Compliance Anti-Money Laundering course trains reporting entities and their representatives to understand their obligations and provides a general understanding of the risks related to money-laundering and terrorism financing. Some sources estimate that over $1.5 trillion is laundered worldwide every year. Of that amount, it is estimated that $200 billion is laundered in the Asia-Pacific region alone.

We explain how to adopt an Anti-Money Laundering program, conduct Know-Your-Customer procedures and to provide reports to Bank Negara Malaysia.

The intent of this course is to provide a general understanding of money-laundering and terrorism-financing risks, and give specific understanding of the various legislative obligations imposed by the Act.

Who is this training for?

The course should be completed by all employees of reporting entities (including those involved in compliance and risk management functions) that offer services such as:

  • providing bank account-related services
  • making loans
  • exchanging currencies
  • issuing debit and stored value cards
  • issuing securities and derivatives
  • stockbroking

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to money laundering
  • Module 2: The risk of money laundering
  • Module 3: KYC obligations
  • Module 4: Monitoring and reporting obligations
  • Module 5: Terrorist financing