Personal Data Protection compliance training course- Singapore

Course Description

Handling personal data and personal data protection in Singapore or of people in Singapore and the importance of a privacy policy

Dealing with personal information

Privacy relates to any personal data  – whether true or not − that can identify us. We share personal data every day: in emails, text messages, photos, videos, credit cards and online banking. Modern technology has made it easy to send and store personal data. Businesses need to ensure their staff understand what is required of them when dealing with individuals’ personal information.

What is protection of Personal Data?

Privacy laws aim to protect our personal data. They are intended to ensure that organisations comply with set rules for handling this data. Any personal data that is accessed, kept or used by organisations must comply with these rules (unless an exemption applies).

What is the role of PDPA?

The Personal Data Protection Act, Singapore(PDPA) is a law that sets out the rules for handling personal data. It establishes open and fair processes for how organisations collect, use and disclose personal data, including data about their customers. Under the PDPA, any personal data stored by an organisation must be kept accurate, up-to-date and secure. The PDPA also gives individuals the right to access any personal data held about them and to ask for it to be corrected if it is wrong.

The PDPA applies to all individuals, companies, associations or bodies of persons, incorporated or unincorporated whether located in or outside Singapore.

Who is this training for?

This course is designed to cater for a diverse audience and different levels of staff in plain English. If your organisation has any specific data privacy requirements, this course can be customised to your individual needs.

For more information on other GRC Solutions’ privacy training resources:


Privacy – Covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles

Privacy for Schools – Covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles as they apply to schools

Health Privacy – Health businesses collect and maintain sensitive personal information

Australia – Financial Services

Financial Services Privacy Training – covering the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles

Credit Reporting – covering the Credit Reporting Act

New Zealand

Privacy – New Zealand – covering privacy in New Zealand under the 2020 updates to the law


General Data Protection Regulation – covering the GDPR – which has global implications


Data Protection Malaysia – covering the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and also the implications of the GDPR


California Consumer Privacy Act

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Personal data protection
  • Module 2: Personal data protection (advanced)
  • Module 3: Do  Not Call – your rights and responsibilities (for sales and marketing staff)
  • Module 4: Preventing and responding to data breaches
  • Module 5: GDPR


Anti-Money Laundering – Singapore

Course Description

Training on Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

The Anti-Money Laundering course trains reporting entities and their representatives to understand their anti-money laundering compliance obligations and provides a general understanding of the risks related to money-laundering and terrorism financing.

Over $US1.5 trillion is laundered worldwide every year. Of that amount, it is estimated that $US200 billion is laundered in the Asia-Pacific region alone.

Businesses need to prepare an effective anti-money laundering policy consistent with anti-money laundering guidelines.

We explain how to adopt an Anti-Money Laundering program, conduct Know-Your-Customer procedures and to provide reports to the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The intent of this course is to provide a general understanding of money-laundering and terrorism-financing risks, and give specific understanding of the various legislative obligations imposed by the Act.

Who needs to comply with AML regulations?

Singapore’s AML/CFT regime mainly applies to individuals and companies engaged in financial service businesses.

Some obligations vary depending upon the services a company provides.

For example, certain organisations such as banks, financial advisers, life insurers, money changers and trust companies, have additional AML/CFT obligations if they are exposed to a high AML/TF risk.

Nevertheless, the obligations may apply to anyone in the course of his or her professional or business duties, including the duty:

  • to report suspicious transactions
  • not to enter into arrangements that facilitate the retention of benefits of crime
  • not to acquire, possess, use, conceal or transfer benefits of criminal conduct

This anti-money laundering course is for …

The course should be completed by all employees of reporting entities (including those involved in compliance and risk management functions) that offer services with a money laundering risk, such as:

  • providing bank account-related services
  • making loans
  • exchanging currencies
  • issuing debit and stored value cards
  • issuing securities and derivatives
  • stockbroking

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to money laundering
  • Module 2: The risk of money laundering
  • Module 3: KYC obligations
  • Module 4: Monitoring and reporting obligations; anti money laundering policies and procedures
  • Module 5: Terrorist financing