Workplace Behaviours Compliance Training Course
Course Description
Workplace Behaviours – What’s in this course?
Changing workplace cultures by changing behaviours
The consequences of workplace bullying, discrimination and harassment have never been more widely known.
Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment can harm individuals’ mental health and safety. They can lead to heavy costs for organisations, including reputational damage, compensation orders and high staff turnover.
What should you do if you see a colleague being bullied? Where does flirting stop and harassment begin? How do you prevent uncomfortable or unsafe situations from taking place?
Anyone can be a victim, perpetrator or bystander, and everyone has a role to play in creating a workplace culture where diversity is valued and individual dignity is respected.
This course provides tools for learners to recognise and prevent unacceptable behaviour, and outlines practical support for individuals who experience bullying, discrimination or sexual harassment.
Manager-specific modules focus on strategies and procedures for managing incidents.
The training also explores how becoming aware of our unconscious biases, developing our cultural competence and promoting accessibility can make our workplaces truly diverse and inclusive.
Who is this training for?
This course caters to the whole organisation, with specific modules for managers and supervisors on how to identify misconduct and address complaints.
The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.
Unconscious Bias
We also offer standalone training on unconscious bias to help you and your staff recognise and analyse your unconscious biases, in order to deliver fairer and more reasonable outcomes and to create an inclusive organisational culture.
Course Outline
- Module 1: Workplace bullying
- Module 2: Discrimination and sexual harassment
- Module 3: (Advanced) Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment
- Module 4: (Advanced) Dealing with incidents and complaints
- Module 5: Diversity and inclusion